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Red Hat Room Agenda

All talks times are scheduled in the time zone: Brasília - DF (GMT-3)

English Content

Tuesday 08/06 - Microservices by Red Hat


Quarkus - One Stack, Infinite Possibilities

Clement Escoffier - Senior Principal Software Engineer


Building Event Driven Microservices

Sébastien Blanc - Director of Developer Experience

Wednesday 09/06 - Kubernetes by Red Hat


Kontinous Integration in a Kubernetes-Native way

Alex Soto - Director of Developer Experience


Kontinous Integration in a Kubernetes-Native way

Alex Soto - Director of Developer Experience


Securing Serverless Functions with Quarkus Kubernetes Extensions

Daniel Oh - Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager

Thursday 10/06 - Java by Red Hat


Quarkus demystified: What makes Quarkus the most advanced Java Microservices Framework

Georgios Andrianakis - Principal Software Engineer


The Call of Ctooling: The Secrets Behind Native Image Building

Edoardo Vacchi - Senior Software Engineer


Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus

Daniel Oh - Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager

Conteúdo em Português

Terça 08/06 - Microservices by Red Hat


Lightweight Enterprise Java with MicroProfile

Roberto Cortez - Principal Software Engineer


Construa microservices resilientes e escaláveis com Quarkus e MicroProfile

Elder Moraes - Developer Advocate


Integrando sistemas na nuvem com Camel-K

Claudio Miranda - Senior Software Engineer


Streaming suas Decisões com DMN e Kafka

Alex Porcelli - Sr. Principal Software Engineer

Guilherme Caponetto - Software Engineer

Quarta 09/06 - Kubernetes by Red Hat


Dicas para rodar Kubernetes e OpenShift no seu laptop

Jonh Wendell - Senior Software Engineer


Saiba porque o Openshift é "tried, tested, and trusted" na pespectiva de um Engenheiro de Qualidade

Guilherme Baufaker Rêgo - Senior Quality Engineer


Introdução ao desenvolvimento de operadores em GO

Claudio Miranda - Senior Software Engineer


Analytics: The Cloud way

Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira - Senior Software Engineer

Quinta 10/06 - Java by Red Hat


Eficiência em Nuvem com Quarkus e AWS

Julio Faerman - "Principal Software Engineer OpenShift"


Project Loom e como isto revolucionará a plataforma Java

William Antônio Siqueira - Senior Software Engineer


Simplicidade num ecosistema de apps Java: Como resolver isso com Quarkus

Germano Da Silva - Middleware Solution Architect


Data Engineering para Desenvolvedores Java (ou o contrário)

Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira - Senior Software Engineer

Contenido en Español

Martes 08/06 - Microservices by Red Hat


API mocking and testing with OpenAPI

Hugo Guerrero - APIs & Messaging Developer Advocate


Fault Tolerance: Pick your poison

Jordi Sola - Content Services Architect


Microservicios hoy: Quarkus, Kubernetes, GitOps, Nubes y Open Source.

Julio Faerman - Principal Software Engineer OpenShift

Miércoles 09/06 - Kubernetes by Red Hat


Connecting cloud applications with Skupper

Hugo Guerrero - APIs & Messaging Developer Advocate


MLOps: Desplegando un modelo ML en Python sobre OpenShift

Magda Martínez - Senior Specialist Solution Architect

Jairo Cuartas - Senior Python Developer


Kubernetes operators in Javat

Jonathan Vila - Senior Software Engineer

Jueves 10/06 - Java by Red Hat


Testing in CI with real layers and Testcontainers

Jonathan Vila - Senior Software Engineer


Practicando las nuevas features de Java con Quarkus

Julio Faerman - Principal Software Engineer OpenShift


Building a websocket serverless component with Quarkus

Caio Medeiros Pinto - Transformation Architect

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